Alternator Overcharging Symptoms and Repair
An undercharging alternator is a more common issue that affects a car’s engine power; what then happens if your alternator starts Overcharging? The alternator’s primary
An undercharging alternator is a more common issue that affects a car’s engine power; what then happens if your alternator starts Overcharging? The alternator’s primary
Error codes are five digits codes that help the driver identify possible reasons why the check engine light is flashing. The check engine light alerts
If you’re running on automatic transmission, a defect in your wheel speed sensor will tell on the efficiency of your car. The primary function of
Reports from car owners show that the engine Oil dipstick is hard to read; this article will show you the easy and efficient way to
The cylinder head covers the cylinder inside the engine and houses the valves, which help in combustion and exhaustion. A Cracked Cylinder Head is a
This article addresses a concern commonly experienced by car owners: “Grinding noise when braking.” Faulty Brakes are likely to produce a grinding noise when applied;
Having moisture inside your car’s headlights can lead to reduced visibility, thus increasing the chance of accidents. However, removing moisture or water inside your headlight
If your car runs on very little fuel, it’s likely a configuration setting on the fuel pump, or the fuel pump is faulty. In previous